
The 5 Direct Mail Mistakes

By Lanee' Blunt

Writing direct mail is an excellent way to sell your products or to get leads. It can be directed toward a large audience of target groups and prospects. The package can be highly personalized to your target audience and can be produced with a laser printer, and letterhead stationery.  There are five common mistakes that small businesses make with their direct mail campaign.

Make sure that the direct mail is tested.  Some companies make the same mistakes and have no idea what works and what failed.  Direct mail is measured by the response that you get from your package make sure that you take accurate notes. A test on a small scale for example, a hundred letters, should let you know if the direct mail campaign worked. The test will determine if a large campaign will be profitable.

Mailing List
Using the wrong mailing list is another mistake that small businesses make. Direct mail should not be sent to just anyone that you think would need your product or service. The list that must be compiled has to depend on the needs of your customers. You can use your records of former customers to get their addresses, or you can rent a list from a mailing list dealer.

The direct mail doesn’t have an offer. The most important element to have in direct mail is the offer. It gives the prospect a reason to respond to your direct mail. An offer is what your prospect will receive when she calls you. The offer gives the prospect a reason to call. For example, you can offer your prospect a free sample if he calls, or give him a free informative brochure.

Call for Action
It may seem like asking for the order in your direct mail piece may be too pushy. But this is what your direct mail package must do, and not including this is a common mistake made by many small businesses. You must ask for the order.  In a sales presentation the sales person learns to ask for the order.  Ask for the order, Call Today!

It may seem like if the prospect doesn’t respond to your direct mail after you have sent your package that they are not interested.  Send another letter.  After you receive a response, follow-up with a fulfillment package right away and then give him a phone call.

Next time you write a direct mail package try to avoid making the five most common mistakes.

Herman Holtz; Great Promo Pieces; Wiley


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