
Easy Methods to Create Letters of Notification for Your Service Business

By Lanee’ Blunt

A good service business can get all outstanding funds.

When someone owes you money in your service business and doesn’t choose to pay in response to your regular billing, then it's possible you'll begin writing letters for notification. This is the first stage in the collection process for your service business. It allows you to have a business relationship with the client. Quite often, a client will give you no trouble in coming up with a payment, but occasionally you’ll get clients that won’t pay and you will need to send a notification cover letter.

Moderately Challenging

Things you’ll need
Client contact information

Step 1
Send copies of former bills. In the early stages start the process by sending repeated bills to the client. On the bills write reminder to indicate that you’re giving them the opportunity pay you. Write a polite cover letter urging the recipient to start payment on the overdue bill.

Step 2
Start the notification letter by using a double space under your salutation. In this paragraph write the overdue balance that is owed to the service business, the account number, and date. Remind the client that there has not been a payment received for services you provided. The most common request is that your client has lost the invoice.

Step 3
Start your second paragraph by a double space and informing the client in a respectful tone that you’re assuming the fact that some mistake has resulted in their lack of payment. For example, “I felt sure your payment would be here presently. Please send the payment by mail so you can continue to receive the services you’ve been receiving.” The letter ought not to sound too harsh because there is another stage of “severity for letters” that follows the notification letter.

Step 4
Close the letter. With a friendly but firm tone that your payment should be mailed before you continue any services for the client. If the payment had been mailed please ignore your letter.

Mail the letter when you don’t hear anything within couple of weeks, then send another letter. Instead of losing an account from decline of payment it’s far better to send letters of notification to your service customers.

See also

“Accounting Best Practices”; Steven M. Bragg, 2010


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