
What is a Promotional Mix?

By Lanee’ Blunt

Sales promotions are inducements that a business uses to encourage the purchase of a product or service. The promotion mix includes sales promotion, advertising, direct marketing, publicity, and personal selling.

What is Promotion Mix?
The promotional mix is the coordination of marketing activities which includes publicity, sales promotion, advertising, direct marketing and personal selling. It is a coordination of activities that you will do to directly interact with your customers. For example giving sales presentations helps you to interact with the customers’ one-on-one to answer their questions and demonstrate your product.

The promotional mix’s goal would be to inform persuade and remind your customer about your product or service. Sales promotion is inducements with the purpose of encouraging customers to buy for example, cents off coupons. Merchandising is used in the store to stimulate sales. For example displays, signs and posters. The promotional mix uses advertising which is a paid form of non-personal presentation. Public relations are firms communicating with their customers, employees and stockholders. It is important that a business have a solid reputation with customers. For example, one way firms communicate is by sending out newsletters or press releases. Personal selling is used either by phone or face-to-face to the prospect, for example, to address your customers concerns and answer their questions directly.

Brooklyn CUNY: Advertising Publicity and Sales Promotions


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