
Test Direct Mail

By Lanee’ Blunt

Before you invest your time and your money in a direct mail program you should test your sales letter. You have to know if the letter will pull a response.  A great benefit of using a sales letter is that it can be tested to see how well it will do. 

You can test your direct mail before you invest a lot of money in the sales campaign.  And you should test it.  You can send a small sample of letters to see what your response of the direct mail will be.  For example, if you send 100 letters and you receive 3 replies then you have a 3% response rate.  If you send out 100 letters and have no replies then you have to revise the direct mail.

The letter is able to test many things when it is mailed.  You can test prices, titles, offers, and audiences.  Keep accurate records of change of address, response rates and the results of each mailing.


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